SongHall Launches New PayPal Option For Online Join

SongHall has today announced the launch of online pay for memberships via the secure server PayPal, one of the most well-known methods used world-wide. PayPal is designed from the ground up to be a safer way to send money online, and if you have been putting off joining the SongHall because you just don’t feel like getting out the checkbook, you’re now just a few clicks away. Go to the Join option, and you’ll be a member in seconds!

If you are not familiar with the PayPal service, here are the basics, available on their website at

Those who prefer to send a check to pay for SongHall membership will still have the option to download our membership pdf and mail it in.

There has never been a better time to join the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Take a tour around the SongHall website for more information about our Gala events and series, including our acclaimed Master Classes and Words About Music. Explore our educational initiatives that include workshops and showcases for up-and-coming songwriters, and let us be a part of your bright future!